The release of the bollywood movie Anjana Anjani was delay in view of the Ayodhya verdict which was suppose to take place on Sept 24. The new release date of Anjaana Anjaani, according to the official website, is October 1st, 2010, which according to some report, may get pushed down even more if the need arises, as Ayodhya verdict is now all set for September 29th.
Anjaana Anjaani (Anjana Anjani) movie is a romantic comedy, where Priyanka is playing a character based in San Francisco, while Ranbir is essaying the role of a New York City boy. They meet in NYC and travel across cities.
Both are trying to find luck in their life after several failed attempts to be successful in their careers and in love.Fed up, they both decide to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge. However, both land up on the same bridge at the same time. Ranbir stops Priyanka from jumping and tells her to travel with him to Vegas to make it big
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